
General Information

Updated Thursday February 16, 2017 by Kanata Little League.

Traditionally, Kanata Little League has offered 3 'seasons' of activity. Registration information for each is supplied below: actual dates will be communicated via the website 3-6 weeks before registration opens.

All registrations are now completed 'online' via our website. When registration for a program is open, you will see an icon on the website indicating such.  There may be at most one 'in person' registration offered by the registrar; if offered, dates will be communicated via the website.

'Winter Skills' - usually offered at an indoor facility between January and April, once a week for 90 minute sessions. Minimum age is usually eligibility to play in "Rookie" level for the coming season (7/8) by Dec 31 of the current year. Registration usually opens in November, and fills up in some sections by late December.

Spring House League - runs, in various age groups in May and June. Please see program description for more information on format, age groups, policies. Registration usually opens in January for the coming season, and for the last 2 years some age groups have filled up by late March. You MUST play in the Spring House League program to be eligible to play in the Summer competitive league. You must reside within KLLBA boundaries to participate in our league.

Summer Competitive League - runs at Rookie and above, in July and August. Please see program description for more information on format, age groups, policies. All Spring players are eligible to participate. Games start following the July long weekend. Participants must have played in our Spring House league that season.

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