
Pitch Count Rules for OBA Peewee

Updated Monday June 5, 2017 by Kanata Baseball Association.

A pitcher may not pitch more than 80 pitches in a calendar day (which is considered to be 24h00 to 23h59 of that day). If the limit is reached while facing a batter the pitcher may complete pitching to that batter.

If a pitcher throws more than 55 pitches in a calendar day he/she cannot pitch the next day - the player must have two (2) nights rest.

Where a team has multiple games on the same day, if a pitcher throws more than 55 pitches during a game or in combination of one (1) or more games, the pitcher may not pitch again in a subsequent game that day.

A player may not be a pitcher and a catcher in the same game. Where a game is suspended and completed on another day, a player may be a pitcher and a catcher in the same game so long as the player does not pitch and catch on the same day during the suspended game.

A pitcher may not pitch on three (3) consecutive calendar days.

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